TV seems to be getting a lot of attention recently. No, not because you're watching TV instead of surfing (I didn't say your TV). The latest news about the health of TV is bleak according to a Google expert. From that article, he states that
"85 per cent of all video we watch is pre-recorded, so you can set your system to download it all the time," said Mr Cerf, who is now the vice-president of the Google, the world's largest search engine.
And that may very well be true with sites such as Hulu, Watch Tv Sitcoms and VideoHybrid popping up on the internet. There are plenty more where that came from but these are the newest ones to gain fame (possibly, notoriety).
hulu Hulu is the newest one to join the game, as a joint venture between NBC and News Corp. It hasn't even launched yet, but everyone's talking about it anyway, just cause Hulu wants to be a Youtube killer. Not looking too good for it though, since Hulu in Swahili is "cease" and "desist". If you want to get in on the beta, visit it at now to get an invite.

Note that while its content is plentiful and accessible, VideoHybrid may not fare too well in the legal department. It's probably walking the thin line that user submitted content is not the responsibility of the owner.
Of these three, Hulu looks to have the highest chance of survival considering its backing, although it doesn't have very positive reviews. The other two, however, look like they may just "disappear" one day. So don't worry about TV, it's not going to die just yet.