iDemocracy 2.0.1
Due to several bugs in iDemocracy 2.0, Drakenza has updated iDemocracy to 2.0.1.Bugfixes:
1. No more incorrect symlink error messages for the Long Method.
2. Hacked out parts of the script to get around problems with input.
3. Changed virginizer password from "alpine" to "dottie" so that it's actually usable now.
Fortunately, iDemocracy 2.0.1 doesn't require a complete re-download and is a lighter patch file at 1.2MB.
iDemocracy 2.0.1 Hidden Features
iDemocracy 2.0.1 comes with several hidden (read: experimental/unstable) features that can be enabled simply by editing a text file. Read this page to find out how to enable them and what they'll do.Additional Countries for Phone+SMS Fix
Unpatch a Patched SpringBoard
Get Build and Version Information
Drakenza clearly states that these may not work and should only be done if you know what you're doing. But the last one listed, "Get Build and Version Information", shouldn't be too dangerous as it simply retrieves which version of iDemocracy you're running. :D