Google has done it again by releasing yet another excellent online API - Google Chart API. If you're easily frightened by that three-letter acronym, just see how easy it was for me to create the following diagram.
So what spell did I cast? Oh I just took this URL:,17.0&chs=400x200&chl=Fake (83%)|Real (17%)&chtt=A+study+shows+83%+of+all+statistics+are+made+up+on+the+spot.
and stuck it into an img tag. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?
Ok, now you're wondering what all those URL parameters mean. For your benefit, here's what they stand for. :)
cht = chart type
chd = chart data
chs = chart size
chl = chart label (only for pie charts)
chtt = chart title
Want to know even more? Well, that's what the Google Chart API homepage is for. ;)
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