Burning Water for Fuel? @ tk here on Thursday, September 13, 2007 12:47 AM
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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Burning Water for Fuel?

Who ever thought that water could burn? But it seems that water can actually burn, though you do need some salt in it and a funky generator for cancer treatment.

Sounds weird eh? However that is exactly what John Kanzius has discovered and patented. Using his radio frequency generator he developed for fighting cancer, an accidental discovery was made when someone suggested using salt water for his experiment.

So he put some salt water into a test tube and got his machine focused on it. A spark was produced and further experiments revealed that the flame was hot enough to melt the test tube!

Further tests showed that they were burning the hydrogen that was released when the radio frequency came into contact with the salt water.

Later, they did a measurement and it turns out the flame is more than 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit!

Not that I'm paranoid or anything but should this info be released to the public? Just imagine the (evil) possibilities. I mean someone could build a gigantic radio frequency generator and start setting the oceans on fire! Or worse, keep it light and portable and you have a sonic death ray in your hands. At that point, cancer will be the least of your worries.

[Source: Post Gazette via digg]

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