Once again today's freebie post comes a bit late. It looks like it's becoming a bad habit of mine. :) By the way, I'm thinking of adding a daily or at least fairly frequent wallpaper post, what do you think?

Visual Medical Dictionary
If you ever needed to look up an illness or drug, Google probably wouldn't be such a great starting point. Try Visual Medical Dictionary. Type in an affliction, drug or therapy, hit enter and a mindmap of various drugs and diseases related to the original term appears. You can then play around with the various items such as adding or removing them, zooming in and out or exploring an individual node in further detail. It sure beats googling your way to an answer.Bug.gd

It's humanity's last remaining hope against computers. Here you join forces with other lost souls in the fight for sanity. Just submit an error message you've seen and we'll try to find other people who've seen the same error and lived to tell the tale.
Bug.gd is currently bugged out due to digg, but should be back soon enough.
Offtopic: According to their FAQ, their logo has one bug, but I think there's a bug in that answer. :) There are actually 2 bugs in their logo - the word "bug" and the horizontally flipped reflection. Just thought I'd point that out. :)
That's all folks! Pop by tomorrow for more freebies or see yesterday's freebie post.