No, Mister Master Baiter, You're Not Allowed to Fly @ tk here on Saturday, October 06, 2007 1:43 PM
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Saturday, October 06, 2007

No, Mister Master Baiter, You're Not Allowed to Fly

Sometimes I think Southwest Airlines just wants publicity, whether it's positive or negative. After causing a public outcry in and it's sequel, , Southwest Airlines returns with a new one in its franchise.

This time, it involves a man instead of a woman and it's becoming (more) ridiculous. At least in the short-lived series there was some room for debate, since the women were slightly under-dressed (for conservative folks anyway).

But this guy, Joe Winiecki, was singled out due to the shirt he was wearing. He had three choices - change his shirt, turn it inside out or skip the flight. Eventually he opted to swap his shirt as he didn't want to miss work.

What was wrong with the shirt? Was it showing too much? Perhaps some obscenity? Nope. All that fuss over two words - "Master Baiter" - which was printed on his fictional fishing shop T-shirt. If you say "Master Baiter" really fast, you'll get another interpretation which could be construed as offensive, but that's really your fault. After all, and were rated PG-13 and no one was upset.

Master baiter T-Shirt
My curious mind decided to try googling for the Master Baiter T-shirt and I think this is it. The evil Master Baiter shirt. Potential fliers heed the warning. No Master Baiters allowed.

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