With testcard.tv you can discover, watch and share your favourite movies, tv shows, cartoons, music videos and live tv - all on your PC, all for free
From what I can gather, testcard.tv is a new watch-TV-on-your-PC type of site that launched recently.
Testcard.tv is similar to other sites of its genre - it indexes links from other sites. That being said, testcard.tv has a number of things going for it.
It features fullscreen viewing and frequent updates of new and popular media (eg. Heroes episode 2, Lizards, can be found there).
The site design is also easy on the eye and the integrated search returns relevant results. Other than TV shows and movies, it also has cartoons, documentaries, anime and music videos.
Like other sites however, it suffers from the annoying problem of content being pulled from the originating server. Alternative links are available to combat this, but occasionally even these links go down.
Another disadvantage is that testcard.tv depends on the uploads of others, which means that certain content may not get updated.
Lastly, testcard.tv falls into the gray area of the law, so it could just disappear one day. Not something to look forward to if you're a regular user.
If you're interested in similar sites, leave a comment and I'll come up with something. :)