Thanks to our spammer/phisher friend (see posts here and here to see what I'm talking about) who unfortunately chose a name,, that Google asks to correct to, the guys at HappyYoungPeople are very happy right now. Yup, is a legitimate site if you do a search in Google you'll see how long they've been around.
In fact, if you did a little research, you'll see that this dude, Neal Obermeyer, contributes to HappyYoungPeople. He says this on his blog for one, and if you looked at Wikipedia, you'll see it there too. Actually if you actually did a simple search, you'll see that HappyYoungPeople are not even related to the spam site.
But is anyone saying otherwise? Well, this site says that HappyYoungPeople are related to our spammer/phisher friend, as you can see in the thumbnail below. Oops! It was even posted to digg. Here's the full screenshot of it.

Apparently someone didn't even visit the site.
As I was typing this, another baddie appeared at Yeah, I did sneak a peek to make sure coolyoungpeople is related to our spammer/phisher friend. And sure enough it is.
Moral of the story? Do your research.
Whois of the above sites:
- (NOT a spam/phishing site)