3 New iPhone "switch" Ads @ tk here on Monday, October 08, 2007 4:46 PM
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Monday, October 08, 2007

3 New iPhone "switch" Ads

The new iPhone "switch" commercials. The first one is titled Doug “Mankind”, followed by Elliot “Meredith” and finally wrapping things up with Stephano “One Thing”. Similar to Apple's switch ads for the Mac, except there's no PC here. I suppose you could consider every other phone to be on the other end of the ring.

I like how the ads have an impromptu feel to them with the guys packing up at the end of each ad. They may tout the iPhone as the greatest phone thing since sliced bread, but I could easily see how that could end up...

"Hey Doug, I've got great news. I'm off to Europe to start a family. (Commence 4 min message about meeting a girl)... Oh by the way, call me back today if you want your money back." - Jim.

"Elliot, the iPhone is great. I absolutely love it! Thanks! And One More Thing, I know your phone saved my ass once but you've been treating it better than me." - Elliot's fiancee.

"Mr Stephano, we're very sorry about your phone. Rest assured that your insurance will cover the full cost of the phone. However, our records indicate these were bought with your credit card..." - Stephano's bank.

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