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Friday, February 24, 2006

Microsoft has a mysterious project


Visit the website and what do you see? Nothing, just an embedded flash with some intriguing questions - essentially a teaser. But it hints at something very interesting, as interesting as what Apple has in store for us on Feb 28. I found some links that describe this in just a bit more detail here and here. Everything points to some sort of portable and wearable PC that runs WinXP. But doesn't that sound like a PDA, tablet or notebooks that are already available for ages? Yup, except it sounds like it's gonna be smaller and cheaper than most tablets or notebooks and yet can still run the full WinXP. So what's the difference between this and a smaller tablet/laptop? That's what everyone wants to know.

Update: Engadget has more details here.

Cool Tech


First “real” iPod video shots?


Just an image showing what appears to be a portable video device. Bonus: Has a serial number attached.

Apple Cool Tech


Monday, February 20, 2006

Self parking BMW


Find a space, press the "auto park" button and let the car do the work! Bonus: It does parallel parking in the video.

Cool Tech Videos

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